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How it works

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What is diio?

An AI-powered personal assistant that allows sales teams to focus solely on selling better and more. Specifically designed for companies that sell through virtual meetings or phone calls, diio records the conversation, analyzes it, and provides interpretations of the most relevant points; from your client's pain points or agreed-upon commitments to a prediction of the meeting's success.

How diio works?


To have diio in your meetings, you first need to connect it to your calendar through a simple integration. Once this is done, diio will automatically start identifying each meeting or call you have with a client and join in.


Diio will join your scheduled meetings and calls, taking notes on all interactions, recording audio and video (if you shared your screen or presented a slideshow).


After the meeting ends, diio analyzes the conversation based on sales methodologies and the guidelines of your company.


You can review the analyzed and interpreted conversation by your assistant, who not only takes key notes but also points out areas for improvement so you can enhance your performance in future meetings.

Why diio?

Recording a meeting for later analysis is a tedious task that takes away valuable time when you could be selling. However, monitoring sales teams is crucial for enhancing their performance, especially when there are hundreds of meetings happening simultaneously every day. That's why a transcription tool is not the best option. diio exists precisely to cover the fronts where it's impossible to be present all the time; it's not just an assistant that takes notes, but it also interprets the information according to the company's sales practices and the most effective sales methodologies, providing you with essential knowledge for decision-making.

Who is diio for?

diio is a great assistant for companies that sell through virtual meetings or phone calls, whether B2C or B2B. It is designed to assist both team leaders and the salespeople themselves.

Does diio learn from meetings?

No, diio is an assistant that is there to take notes and provide you with extraordinary knowledge about each meeting, but its purpose is not to sell, rather to help you sell.



Invite diio to your team

Request a demo and discover how to boost your sales while minimizing your effort.